There are 38 pistols and 0 revolvers from this manufacturer in the Handgun Database. See details below...
The Manufacturer Detail page provides historic and contact information for both the manufacturers and their US importers if they are foreign made.
The page also lists all of the guns in our database that are made by that manufacturer, organized in tables by type, caliber and model name.
All items in these tables are clickable links, providing an alternate method for searching for handguns in our database.
Please Note - We do not sell handguns. We simply provide this information as a resource for people who may be in the market to buy or sell a handgun, or who are simply researching a particular handgun model.
Established in 1988 by Ed Brown, who had the combined skills of gunsmith, competitive shooter, tool and die maker, CNC programmer, and CAD/CAM designer. He began by producing quality 1911 gun parts and doing custom pistol work. His gunsmithing career peaked in 1991, and he was awarded 'Pistolsmith of the Year' by his fellow Guild members. In 1998 a new direction was established when Ed's sons joined him and they began to design and manufacture of a complete line of Ed Brown firearms. Today, Ed Brown firearms are engineered, machined, and handcrafted in a state-of-the-art 10,000+ square foot facility.