There are 13 pistols and 0 revolvers from this manufacturer in the Handgun Database. See details below...
The Manufacturer Detail page provides historic and contact information for both the manufacturers and their US importers if they are foreign made.
The page also lists all of the guns in our database that are made by that manufacturer, organized in tables by type, caliber and model name.
All items in these tables are clickable links, providing an alternate method for searching for handguns in our database.
Please Note - We do not sell handguns. We simply provide this information as a resource for people who may be in the market to buy or sell a handgun, or who are simply researching a particular handgun model.
Hi-Point owner Thomas Deeb was a television repairman before becoming a firearms manufacturer. After spending a couple of years designing the handguns and rifles he wanted to mass produce, he opened his Hi-Point factory near Mansfield, Ohio in 1992. Deeb's company is known for making inexpensive handguns so everyone - particularly the poor - can afford one for protection or recreation. While having such low-cost firearms on the the market always brings up questions about quality, according to Hi-Point they have one of the lowest return/repair rates in the firearms industry. Hi-Point produces about 50,000 pistols and 15,000 carbines each year.