Handgun Manufacturer Detail

-- Smith & Wesson --

There are 324 pistols and 244 revolvers from this manufacturer in the Handgun Database.
See details below...

Smith & Wesson
2100 Roosevelt Avenue
Springfield MA 01104

About the Manufacturer:

This company began in 1852 when Horace Smith and Daniel Wesson entered a gunmaking partnership in Norwich Connecticut. In 1857 they produced the first metallic cartridge breech-loading revolver. Their first double-action revolver was produced in 1880. In 1964 the company passed from Wesson family control, and subsequently several conglomerates took control of it. From 1987 to 2001 Tomkins PLC, a British company, owned Smith & Wesson. In March 2000 Smith & Wesson signed an agreement with the Clinton Administration in order to avoid lawsuits. This agreement was not at all liked by the gun owning public and boycotts and floods of used S&W firearms in the market nearly ruined the company. On May 11, 2001, Saf-T-Hammer Corporation acquired Smith & Wesson Corp. from Tomkins PLC for a fraction of what Tomkins originally paid. The new company, Smith and Wesson Holding Corporation, publicly renounced the Clinton agreement which was received positively by the firearms community.

.17 HMR2
.22 LR286
.22 Mag (WMR)17
5.7x28 FN2
.32 S&W Long6
.380 Auto12
.32 Mag1
.38 Spl6
.38 Spl +P27
30 Super Carry6
9 mm1245
.327 Federal Mag3
.38 Super1
357 SIG2
.40 S&W564
.44 S&W Spl12
.357 Mag81
.45 Auto7617
10 mm165
.45 Colt5
.41 Rem Mag17
.44 Rem Mag27
350 Legend1
.460 S&W Mag5
.500 S&W7